Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mbita Hospital

Oct 3, 2012

Judy (the health educator I work with) threw me up in front of about 30 people today and made me give the health talk in Swahili. My brain can only think so fast in Swahili! I made it through (and then she translated it into Luo anyways), but it really stretched my brain!

The rest of the day was spent screening women for cervical cancer using a method called visual inspection with aceitic acid. Basically, you take cotton on a stick to paint the cervix with table vinegar; then you look at it with a flashlight and see if there are any spots that turn white. White spots are concerning for pre-cancer and require follow-up and/or treatment. It’s cheap, easy, gives immediate results, and saves lives!

My favorite part of cervical cancer screening (at least today): when I get to hold the baby while the mom is examined by Sabina (the amazing nurse and project coordinator that I get to work with). One child was sleeping and then woke up in my arms, took one look at my ghost-like face and started screaming! A slightly younger one smiled at me, put his head on my shoulder, then peed on my lap. Haha. Speculum, please?

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

i will always remember our heated conversation at cheesecake factory over this! and...YOU SPEAK SWAHILI! Joelle, you are getting more and more irresistible!