Thursday, November 1, 2012

Flight Security - What?

With food poisoning symptoms just beginning to subside an 8 hour bus ride back to Nairobi was not on the order for the day. So we flew…

We wrote our names on a piece of paper, paid in cash, got our tickets and entered the airport. We walked through security. We walked onto the plane.  Not once was I asked to show my ID. Not once.

I had a wine bottle opener in my carryon luggage which I had forgotten about. The security opened my bagged, helped up the corkscrew and ask, “Is this for the captain?” What? He then imitated jabbing the corkscrew into his throat to demonstrate how I might kill the captain. He laughed and returned the corkscrew to me saying, “Next time just put it in your checked bag.”

Is this place for real? I just got on a plane, paying cash, without showing any identification, with a deadly weapon in my backpack. Wha??


gradydoctor said...

Joelle! I miss you tons and just found this through your email. They've been getting spammed! :( I am about to spend some time catching up. Hugs to you.

Dr. M

Yewande said...

Absolutely hillarious story....I can't believe that there was no ID required and they let you keep the deadly stabbing device...oh man! Well I hope you are enjoying yourself...ttys.